He Who Findeth A Friend
Isn't That What Friends Are For?
I recently had a friend point out something I do that he didn't like. At first, I balked. Wouldn't we all?
No one likes to hear what they are doing wrong. But then I thought about it for a bit, and I was truly thankful that he was honest with me...because I'd rather know about my problems (and fix them) than to run around like somebody with toilet-paper stuck to their shoe, while everyone points and laughs behind their back.
And as I thought, the passage came to mind, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend."
How true.
Then a new revelation dawned on me: where would we be without friends?
Now, as my close friends know, I'm not big on lots of friends. I'd rather have one or two good friends, than one or two hundred "just-so" friends.
So I concluded, after thought, that friends are beneficial because
I. They point out your mistakes (& we all need this),
II. Their purpose is to help (A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity)
III. They are just plain good to have around.
Yes, after reviewing my friend list, I could only come up with three reasons...ok, just kidding. These three reasons seemed to be the tops.
I am a selfish friend, I admit it.
Sometimes I want my friends to be there for me, but I don't feel as inclined to make sure I'm there for them when they need me. It's easier to get and not give, but more blessed to give than receive.
So I'm making a September Resolution (no...that's not usually done in most circles): Firstly, I will give hearty counsel to friends (Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart: so doth the sweetness of a man's friend by hearty counsel)...this means not nagging them, but genuinely helping them when they need it.
Secondly, I am going to be there in the most difficult times. The easy times are when we can go at it alone (not that we want to), but it's when the going really gets rough that we need friends.
And finally, I am going to be just good to be around. i.e., I'll stop locking my co-workers in the bathroom (yes, the lock is on the outside, isn't that awesome?). And I'll pay Sandy back that ten dollars I owe her...even though she's forgotten.
Because, hey: Isn't that what friends are for?